Friday, July 17, 2009

Sanibel Island July 2009

This was a treat for the girls for going to so many baseball games in the heat this summer...Steve and I took them to Sanibel Island. Stayed at the Sundial Resort. It was extremely hot and humid, but we had fun and stayed cool in the water...either in the ocean, or the pool. We collected a great deal of seashells, and got to go on a boat excursion with two marine biologist who taught us a lot about the local fish and seashells. Tatum made friends with them, and then they let her drive the boat. She is so outgoing...Tannis loves the beach and could look for seashells all day long. Tatum, on the other hand, thinks the beach stinks (literally) and thought it was too hot and dirty. She begged to leave, so we could go to the pool. Funny how kids are so different.

Remodeling My Existing Home...

As if I have time for this in addition to my crazy schedule, I am in the process of remodeling my home in hopes that it will sell once we put it on the market, after our new home is built. I have recently learned of a new technique in finishings, but I do not know what it is called yet. I am hoping to find someone who knows more about this faux finishing...brass to oil rubbed bronze look. I saw this in a high end home I looked at and seems to be very popular. In this particular home, they did this technique on the hand rails around and down the stairway. If anyone knows how to do this, and or what it is called, I am very interested in learning how to do this. Better get busy...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Holli: February 2008 Cancun Trip

If you read the previous posts you will have learned that this is all I did this year in Cancun. You can pretty much tell by my hair...gotta love Cancun!

Holli: February 2008 Cancun Trip

This is me, Holli, happy as can be because we finally get to get out of the hotel room in Cancun and eat a nice meal.

February 2008 Cancun Trip

Steve and I went to Cancun for our yearly trip but this year was full of unwanted surprises. As soon as we landed in Cancun Steve spiked a temperature. We thought and hoped it would be a short lived virus but instead it turned into what we believe was full blown pneumonia! This picture was taken at Lorenzillo's Seafood Restaurant on an evening which we thought Steve was feeling better, but he was unable to finish his fine meal...