Friday, July 17, 2009

Sanibel Island July 2009

This was a treat for the girls for going to so many baseball games in the heat this summer...Steve and I took them to Sanibel Island. Stayed at the Sundial Resort. It was extremely hot and humid, but we had fun and stayed cool in the water...either in the ocean, or the pool. We collected a great deal of seashells, and got to go on a boat excursion with two marine biologist who taught us a lot about the local fish and seashells. Tatum made friends with them, and then they let her drive the boat. She is so outgoing...Tannis loves the beach and could look for seashells all day long. Tatum, on the other hand, thinks the beach stinks (literally) and thought it was too hot and dirty. She begged to leave, so we could go to the pool. Funny how kids are so different.